Friday, December 17, 2010

Philosophy of Photography

Anyone can take a great picture. As long as the lighting is good, there is action, and it brings interest to people, the photo can be awesome. What makes a photo stand out in a positive way? It has to be unique; something that people do not see or notice every day. Simple pictures can even be the most breath taking. A single drop of water can fascinate many people as long as the photographer is at the right angle, in the correct light, and is there at the right moment. A quality of a good photo could also be the color. If it has bright and vivid colors it is likely to catch more eyes than if it were dull.

When I went out and took pictures, I looked for creative angles I could sit or stand at. For me, looking at something from a different angle changed the entire way my picture looked. I also looked out for things in nature that had a great amount of detail so I could zoom in on the subject and let people see how wonderful nature really is because not many people stop and look outside to see how beautiful everything is.

I love taking pictures and in the future, I think photography will be a semi-big part of my life. I really enjoyed going outside and shooting images of anything that looked interesting. Whenever someone in my family needs a picture, I'm always the one they look to. My mom even had me take pictures for her business card and now her picture and the background picture on her buisiness card are both photos that I took.

I want to improve on my photography skills and to do that, I think all I need is more practice. With more practice I will know where to be, when to be there, and how I should take the picture to get a super fantastic photograph. With more practice, I will become more familiar with the camera and know exactly how to use every setting. It will also help me figure out which lighting is best for the area I am in. I plan to continue taking pictures and improving on my skills so maybe one day, I will get a picture that turns out to be something stunning.

My best photo I think I took during this class was a picture of a girl admiring a flower. I chose this picture because you can perfectly see the flower she is looking at. The sunlight is shining behind her so the light is hitting the flower she is holding almost perfectly and it shines throughout the plants that are beside her. The sun also shines on her arm and defines the form of her arm. I feel like it just gives off a happy vibe.

1 comment:

  1. this is your favorite picture in case you did not know that...Notice thank you for noticing our notice. trust us your noticing will be noticed for noticing our notice :)
